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Estate Planning


Estate Planning

Estate planning is a succession planning available within the legal system of several countries, especially in the American system, which can bring a number of tax and financial benefits to the successors, in cases of disability or death on the part of the issuer. Here we are talking about succession and the legal area as a foundation in all these moments – with wills, powers of attorney, and much more. Garreta Law is prepared to serve its clients in different areas of law. We offer support and legal solutions in the areas of International, Business, Immigration, Family, Real Estate, Estate Planning and Criminal Law. To hire the Garreta Law office, the first step is to schedule a consultation with one of our lawyers. In this opportunity, we will survey the client’s history; propose the best options for the case; and, plan how the work will be done to obtain the best results. You will also be informed about the attorney’s fees, the procedural costs, and the process deadlines. Consultation with the lawyer is extremely important to ensure the best planning and to guarantee your privilege of confidentiality.

Estate Planning

Types Of Service
A will is an important legal instrument that serves to express a person’s wishes during his or her lifetime regarding the estate he or she intends to leave to his or her heirs. Our team provides complete follow-up on the wills in question.
Trusts are associations of companies that arise from the merger of several organizations that already controlled most of the market. And our team closely follows all this formation and its consequences.
A power of attorney is a legal instrument that enables the general or specific representation of one person by another, that is, a third party can perform acts on behalf of another person. And our team will guide you in the best way with the necessary powers of attorney.
Living wills and powers of attorney for health care. In addition to health-related powers of attorney. All details are closely monitored by our team.


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